We sat and watched the Travel Channel tonight, and Anthony Bourdain's show "No Reservations" was on. He was visiting Laos, a southeast Asian country that borders Cambodia. For those of you who aren't familiar with his show, he is an American guy that travels all over the world...seeking out foods, ways of life, cultural traditions, etc. of those he encounters. The title of the show, "No Reservations" really describes his way of doing things: he goes in with no expectations, and he literally surrounds himself with everything of that particular culture. Being that he was in Laos, and being that Laos is a fairly identical counrty to Cambodia, I was intrigued.
As I sat and watched the show, it took an unexpected twist. Normally his shows focus on the foods and cultural traditions of the country he is visiting...but tonight's show focused on the history of Laos. I wasn't aware, but Laos was a country torn by wars, but not wars they were fighting in. During the 1940's-1970's, wars were surrounding Laos, especially in the neighboring country of Vietnam. Apparently, the American soldiers were told that any bombs/explosives they had left over from a day's work in Vietnam, they were to fly over the border to Laos and drop them. Laos was bombed more than Japan and Germany were in the wars they were involved in. All this to say that Laos is a very war torn country that is also in rebuild mode, as is Cambodia.
As I watched the TV show, I was saddened. They focused on a family there who was affected by the war, over 30 years after it happened. My heart was torn as I watched them document this man's life, a normal hard working man who was forever changed when digging for a new plumbing line-his hand and leg were blown off by a still active land mine. I then became excited in knowing that Brian and I are going to meet and interact with SO many people with this same story. I pray that God gives me the attitude of "No Reservations", as He has so clearly called us to ministry in this war ravaged land. I pray that my eyes will see and my heart will feel...all that is there for us, and more!
I am a huge worrier, stress ball, planner, and organizer...by nature. I worry about so much! Currently, we don't have enough monthly support. We needed to raise $300/month on top of the small salary we will be getting there; we currently only have half of what we need. I worry about this. I let this affect the calling God has put on our lives. Again, I pray for "No Reservations" as I allow God to permeate my heart and mind, and encourage me that everything will work out as He has planned. Over all my worries and doubts, God has put the people of Cambodia on our hearts, and He will provide for us so that we can, in turn, provide for them.
~Thank you, Lord, for the grace to go forward. Thank you for the names, lives, and faces you have yet to introduce us to in Cambodia. Thank you for the work you are having us do.~
15 minute procrastination post
5 years ago
1 comment:
That really sounds iteresting. I watch that show tooo!
Cool Stuff,
Bradley Martin
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