Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lord, Bring the Sneezes!!

The past few days have been interesting, frustrating, and amazing. Yesterday morning, our water cooler decided to freeze, not allowing any water out. Nothing freezes here, so I was amused as to what was going on. My hunky hubby got in there with a knife and chopped out the ice, and we were back in business. The same morning, I was cooking us breakfast (breakfast burritos if you must know), and mid-egg-scrambling the gas turned off. Hmm. Well I tried and tried to light the burner again, but low and behold, we had actually run out of gas. Oh well, eggs went down the drain and it was off to work we went!
Our insurance refunded us some of the money we had to pay out of pocket when B had Dengue Fever, so we were able to get him new glasses. Last night, B and I went in search of this "world renowned" eye doctor here in Phnom Penh. We found him, and B was given the most thorough eye exam with some of the most innovative technology we'd ever seen. It cost only $10. We then went in search of a new pair of frames, and found out we would only have to pay around $50 for frames and lenses. Amazing.
Today, as I was teaching my 27 happy 5th graders, the power went out. A big, "ugh..." came from the crowd. The teacher, of course, was mature enough to keep her "ugh" in.....NOT. I was also not mature enough to have a perfect attitude, as 1...then 2 hours passed with no power. After about 15 minutes, the room began to heat up immensely; it was so hot, it felt like the air conditioners were never on this morning. Sweat was dripping from every kid, all while their teacher was trying to teach them many wonderful things!

My one and only prayer at this time was, "Lord, now would be a great time to bring on a sneeze attack!!!"

Paper fans began to be folded, and quiet, peaceful activities were achieved. After 1 1/2 hours of braving our sauna of a classroom, I decided, after sticking my hand out the window, that it was cooler outside. Never in Cambodia are things cooler outside. Beside the point. Anyway, we took our work outside and set up camp. I laughed out loud when I looked around our campus, only to see 5 or 6 other classes doing the same thing. Teachers had even brought out portable white boards, and kids were working the middle of hot season.

Oh the joys of third world living. My class is great, and they were so flexible today. I will miss each of them greatly when we set sail for only 12 weeks from today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow what a journey!