-1 1/2 liters of water just doesn't cut it anymore to keep you hydrated.
-You feel like a slug every evening before the air-conditioner can be turned on, because all of your energy is long-gone.
-Shade is essential when outside.
-Air conditioned rooms/classrooms don't feel very cool anymore.
-Swimming pools aren't refreshing anymore, because the weather outside has heated them up to be too warm.
-When the power goes out, you know you will eventually DIE if it stays out for too long.
-You make it a goal to do everything either before or after the sun goes down.
-Cambodian nappy time is anytime people feel like sleeping during the day, not just 12-2 anymore.
..even if you are running a business.
-Karie refuses to drink anything that is not ice cold.
-Thoughts of home and perfect California weather, as well as dreams of being cold, come frequently.
-Sweat rags, no matter how unattractive, are a necessity, and must be carried around at all times.
-We refuse to go anywhere that is not air-conditioned.
-Any reason to leave the air-conditioned classroom during the day must be taken into careful consideration.
-Karie figured, if she is going to sweat anyway, why not make the most of it?! She goes for walks when the sun goes down, and sweats her lil' heart out!
-Showers are mandatory before bed each night.
-the shower water, which comes from a tin thingy on the roof, is pumping out warm water......even though we don't have a water heater.
-Sweaty everythings are a part of life.
What have we been doing besides sweating? Thanks for asking. I have had a requst for more pictures on the blog, sorry I have been lazy about adding them recently. Here are some shots from around the city.

Nothing much is new to share, except that our Coming Home Countdown has made it to 11 weeks! Brian and I are looking forward to our 1 week stop in Japan, and we should be arriving in beautiful San Francisco somewhere around June 6th. We will celebrate our 4th anniversary in a beautiful town on Japan's coast, and we look forward to transitioning out of this 3rd world country and back home.
oh ALL that talk of heat causes me to look forward to a FRESNO summer!
Hi Mrs Bourdet,
It's Bradley. I can't imagine all that heat! Anyway, when you have a chance, check out my website: www.bradstersite.webs.com Hope you like it
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