- Last weekend, some co-workers and I set off for a much needed girls day out. Our plans were to have breakfast (American style) at a cute little cafe called "Sisters: All Day Breakfast." After that, we needed to do a bit of shopping in the Russian Market (see my previous post pictures of the market with crowded, small aisles). Then, to top it all off, we were going to a salon called "The Oasis" to get manicures, pedicures, massages, etc. Believe it or not, I was going to be able to get a 30 minute foot massage and pedicure for $5.00 total. Anyway, during the market portion of our day, we were standing at a vendor's stall trying to find out the price for conditioner. As we began to walk away, she alerted the Cambodian women we were with to tell us to check our bags; apparently she had seen some suspicious people lingering behind us for a bit. When I went to take my backpack off my shoulder, it was WIDE OPEN. My wallet was gone. I had just visited the ATM to take out cash, which I had put in the wallet....not to mention I had my CA Driver's License, my USA bank's ATM cards, etc. etc. Well anyway, quite the commotion began as vendors, "police men" (really guys with walkie talkies dressed in everyday clothing), and shoppers at the market went scurrying every which way! Some thought they knew who did it: a women and her children. We were rushed over to the "police headquarters" (again, just a room with a conference table in it) and I was told to fill out a report. They say they might find the wallet, but I am not so hopeful. This event brought a real sadness to my heart, mainly because stealing is a WAY OF LIFE here. I am so saddened that the Cambodian government does not care enough about its people that the majority of its capital city are living in filth and poverty. Pray for whoever took my wallet, that they would someday know the love of Christ and realize that stealing is wrong.
- Yesterday a friend and I set off down the road on bikes during our lunch break; the cafeteria was serving hamburgers, and those who know me know I don't eat them. There is a little cafe down the street that serves great banana smoothies, so that is where we headed. I was riding on a flat tire, which I had discovered that morning when I got on my bike. As if this wasn't bad enough, I hadn't had time get it fixed before school started. Alas, one more ride on the flat wasn't going to kill my bike of steel. As we were backing our bikes up after getting our smoothies, I stepped back with my right leg and immediately began to feel my flesh burning. My senses took over, and I jumped; not quick enough to get a good little burn on my calf from a Moto pipe. This is VERY common here, as those pipes that hang out on the side of Motos are NEVER covered here, and get roasting hot. Yeay. 20 bug bites all over each leg, a nice burn situated on top of them, and a flat tire. What a day.
15 minute procrastination post
5 years ago
I can't imagine Karie :( Must be very difficult.
Karie - How sad! If it helps any, I'll tell you that Hollis had her wallet de-cashed while we were at a restaurant last week in San Francisco! We had a party of 8. Some sketchy woman came in to the restaurant saying she had a party of 6 on their way, and she was seated next to us. Twenty minutes later her party of 6 never showed, she left, and Hollis wallet was empty and Annemarie's purse had been opened. - Lon
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