We finally picked up some bikes on Thursday, and we were very happy with the service aspect of our purchase! We purchased our bikes second-hand, and they are a cross between Beach Cruisers and Mountain Bikes. They have the wider handle bars, but they also have 3 gears and hand brakes. Weird, but we love having transportation that gets us places quicker ;o). The funny story that came out of the bike purchasing was that we were given what translated as "religious seats" instead of the regular small seats. See, apparently since around 1990, the Mormon missionaries have infiltrated Phnom Penh. They are always seen riding bikes like ours, to these bikes have earned the name "religious bikes" by all the local people. Brian and I agreed that having a religious seat under us (haha..) would not be a bad thing. Plus, they are more comfortable.
Last night we decided to go out in the evening, after dinner. We went to a new mall that was recently built, one of only 2 or 3 in this huge city. The mall is called Sovanna, and it's very nice inside! It sells all the things that the other malls in town do (shoes, DVD's for $2.00 each, electronics, cheap sunglasses, etc.) but it also has a few bonuses! They just opened a KFC across the street...the first "western"fast food place we've seen here. They also have a Swenson's Ice Cream store, a Sushi Boat Restaurant, and a Lucky Supermarket (a SMALL version of the grocery stores back in the states). We sat down to have ice cream at Swenson's, and boy was it refreshing!! Their napkins had such a precious saying, so I took a picture. Enjoy!
15 minute procrastination post
5 years ago
I adore that saying, it's precious and so true. It was beyond GREAT to get a phone call from you last night... I LOVED hearing your voice, and knowing you're doing so well. I love you sister.
What a great account of two events that might have seemed "ordinary" to most. Karie, you are quite a talented writer! (Daddy-O)
Hi its billy bob again! Dont eat ice cream ether because it will make you as fat as a watermelon!
P.S. Remember dont drink coffee ether!
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