" Our house....is a very very very fine house....". Sorry it has taken us so long to post pics of our house, as I know many people have asked what it's like! We decided to do about half at a time, so here is a glimpse into our world at home. We like our house a lot. It is on a quiet street, and we have neighbors that stare at us...but are nice through it all. Occasionally our teenage neighbor rocks LOUD American rap music, but honestly, it's nice to understand what you hear, even if you don't care for it. We have also had 2 major parties on our quiet street: one (we think) was a wedding, which in Cambodia, lasts 3 days long. The other was a birthday party, with lots of alcohol, LOUD guests, and even a "Happy Birthday" song in English!! Anyway, enjoy our first version of house pics:

Our house from the street (the stairway in the background leads up to our place)

Our Gatekeeper :o) We don't pet them...but our neighbor has quite a few cats!

Looking out at our deck from inside the house.

The entryway: very Asian in that shoes come off and stay by the door.

Living room. Entryway is now on the left.

The wonderful plant I found at the Central Market...only $1.50!

Our kitchen: yep...that's it.

Good ol' two burner...works great when the power is out b/c it's gas!

Cambodian style Adirondak Chairs
how great! I feel better seeing where you live! How exicting!! I can't wait to be there in person!
Your house seems like a very very very nice house. Like Rachel, I can't wait o be there in person myself!!
Love you guys,
I want to see part two!!
NEW COMMENT, I like your sis feel much better seeing where you live-clean-bright and that kitchen, man easy clean up.The plant by the way is a wandering jew (kind of like Steven- ha-ha) WE all love you Steven. Love your Mama who misses you and our almost daily talks.
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