As we get closer to our departure date, there are a few things we would love your partnership with! Here are some ways you can get involved in our upcoming adventure:
Here are some current prayer needs we have:
1.) Health-we need to stay well as we have a million things to do in the next few weeks! Pray that we are given clear medical information on the shots we need to get before we go.
2.) Support-we are still waiting on family and friends to commit to supporting us through prayer and through monthly financial support. We know God has us to be in Cambodia, but we CANNOT do it without support!!
3.) Smooth moves (haha...)-as we move out of our current home and storage unit, and in with Karie's mom. Life as we know it is beginning to shift, and there can be major stresses associated with this!
Monthly Support:
We are in need of about $300 more a month than what we will be making in Cambodia. Although this isn't much, we are looking for a truly devoted group of people who will financially help us with our calling to be amongst the Cambodian people! Not only would you be directly helping us, but you would also be supporting the spreading of the Gospel through our upcoming interactions with those who don't know Him!
Contact Us:
If you have any words of wisdom, encouragement, questions, concerns, etc....please get in touch with us! We will keep our current email addresses when we move (Brian:, Karie: Also, if you're interested talking with us while we are in Cambodia, you can download Skype; it's an internet phone service, and we can talk computer to computer for free!
Thanks for your help thus far, and keep reading as we will update this blog as much as we can!
15 minute procrastination post
5 years ago
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