We successfully (...?) moved out of our home in Morgan Hill yesterday, and in with my (Karie's) mom in Los Gatos. The day went smoothly, with the weather cooperating and the boxes all packed up in time. We rented a 10 foot U-Haul truck, and it did NOT fit all of our stuff. We don't have a lot, but with all the odds and ends, the truck was full before our house was empty :O(
Otherwise, the move was successful, besides a few mishaps. While driving down Highway 101 with a chair strapped to her truck, my Mom almost caused a horrific accident when the chair flew off. Semi trucks were swerving, cars were honking, and being a few cars behind her, I was panicked. By God's grace, nothing happened, and the Highway Patrol was called to pick up the chair. Luckily we were getting rid of it...and it wasn't a cherished chair that was lost.
When we got to my Dad's house to dump our trash, Brian stepped on a nail that went through his shoe. We are praying that all his shots are up to date.....! Other than those two issues, the move went smoothly! We are now living as one big family here in Los Gatos! Here are a few things that we are enjoying about our new home:
1.) FAST internet
2.) Mom's cooking (tonight she is making Turkey Meatloaf)
3.) Air conditioning in OUR room
4.) Walks downtown
5.) Frozen Yogurt-which we did NOT have in Morgan Hill
6.) A close commute to Summer School (K)
7.) Being with family in our last weeks here
Thanks for reading! We will keep you updated on the progress being made as we get closer to our trip. God Bless <><