- Your rice cooker breaks, and you FREAK OUT and think, "Now what am I going to eat!!?"
- Everyone around you refers to their height in meters.
- Crazy drivers are not just a small fraction of the driving population, but the majority of the driving population.
- (specific to Cambodia) Police pull people over just to make a buck. And if you get into an accident, you simply assess the damages and pay the victim right there on the spot.
- Rat is on the menu at local restaurants, as well as running down any given street at night.
- Big, colorful fruits grow on most all trees.
- There is a "siesta" (nap) time everyday from about 12-2pm. All stores and vendors close down, and hammocks are strung up everywhere...full of sleeping bodies.
- Lizards are the size of small cats.
- Diaper-less babies are everywhere.
- Men stop on the side of the road to pee, not trying to conceal themselves from anyone at all!
- There are poorly, but hilariously, translated signs everywhere. (see picture below)
- You cannot, for the LIFE of you, remember if it is normal for steering wheels to be on the right or left side of cars.
- Your shower consists of a spout coming out of the wall: no curtain, no bathtub...nothing between you showering and the entire rest of your bathroom.
- Most buildings are adorned with fancy gold stuff.

I suppose that just as it has taken us this long for Asia to feel like home......it will be a weird sensation coming back to the "normalcies" of life in California. When we get home, if we crave rice, ask if we can set up rat traps in the house, are paranoid about large lizards, take naps everyday from 12-2pm, and drive all crazy like........please forgive us. We are officially Asian now, and we will have to become re-Westernized once we get home :o)
Can't wait for that day!
Hi Mrs. Bourdet,
It's Bradley. I read your blog like every other day and I really like it! Plz e-mail me at
Hi! I'm a fellow MckMama reader, and I stumbled across your blog this morning. I'm already fascinated by what I've read. You can be sure I'll be back to read more. Take care!
i love it that you have became partly asian. when you adjust back to home, i will come visit you and bring out your "asian-ness" again.
Oh and you know I will.
Fish head, fish spine, shrimp head.... you just wait!!
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