It feels like it's been awhile since I (K) blogged last. I have been swamped with teaching, grading papers, and surviving day to day. I am please to announce, however, that with each passing day....Phnom Penh is starting to feel more like "home" (at least for the next 2 years). I miss my true home dearly, but I am more satisfied here as we continue to learn how to "do life" in this land. We have officially completed our first 3 weeks of school, and besides adjusting to that, we have begun a few new traditions! We have also ventured out a bit more, tried new things and places, and gotten more comfortable with those around us. Being STARED at is now fairly normal, although still very annoying. Here are some new things we've done these past few weeks:
-Street Hockey and Bubble Tea Thursdays: A bunch of the foreign men around our vast city have teamed up to rent a Tennis Court each Thursday night. They have the gear, the space, and now the team! This past Thursday they got back together after a summer break, and Brian was invited to play. Jo and I (a friend from work) decided to go along as spectators; we also enjoyed the cool Bubble Tea restaurant we found around the corner. We sat, watched the men, drank blended tea, and got bitten by mosquitoes. Definitely a "must do" each Thursday. Here's a pic of B's outlandish Goalie outfit; although it took over 20 minutes to put on, and although it smelled indescribable...he did a great job as goalie for his team!!

-Taking long walks around our neighborhood (K): I enjoy taking walks in the evening once the sun has gone down. There's about 45 minutes of dusk, just before dark, that is the most pleasant time to be outside. Our neighborhood is full of people, animals, flowers, wealthy and poor homes, and new sights. Here are some pictures taken of around where we live:

A large around the corner: I LOVE their fence.

Gorgeous sky.

The long, paved road behind out house: GREAT for walking!!
Going to local markets (which can be yucky): We have, as of this last weekend, finally ventured through one of the local markets. This is NOT for the faint of stomach. Picture this scene: a crowded street, people walking along with motos (Japanese motorcycles) driving through the market, and sellers sitting on the ground with interesting displays. This particular market we visited was outside of the Russian Market. We saw everything from fruits, to vegetables, to live frogs with their skin ripped off. Live fish, shells with animals inside, and recently killed chickens are also at this market. I saved you the non-gross pics, enjoy!

She's got legs!

No wonder why they stare: Brian's a GIANT!!
Needless to say, the more we explore and feel comfortable...the more at home we feel! We hope you enjoy the new pics, and we will be better next time at putting them up sooner! There are SO many experiences to share with you and so little time to document it all. Thanks for being patient with us!